Available vacancies

As a volunteer-led organisation, we are constantly in need of skilled people to join our cause. We have a number of ‘in-the-field’ roles to be fulfilled, and these fall in to two main categories:

1) Short term volunteers (no minimum service)

  • Qualified dentists
  • Dental nurses
  • Arabic translators
2)Long term volunteers (minimum 2 months service);
  • Field coordinators
  • Logistics coordinators
  • Medical coordinators


We are looking for skilled dentists with at least 2 years postgraduate experience to join our clinical team on ground. With over 20% of all medical cases in refugee camps presenting as dental cases, there is a great need for dental services in this region. Dentists have the capacity to make life-changing differences to those who do not have access to state health care.

You must have the following:

  • minimum 2 years postgraduate experience
  • an in-date registration certificate in your country of practice
  • a desire to work with displaced individuals in a low-resource setting
  • willingness to work in a dynamic environment
  • a strong team-work ethic

Dental Assistants

Nurses/assistants play a support role for dentists in many tasks including patient care, setting up appropriate equipment and mixing ingredients to name a few. Some of our dental volunteers will ask their assistants to join them on the trip. If you are a student of dentistry, but aren’t yet qualified, we may be able to consider you in the role of a dental assistant.

You must have the following:

  • a desire to work with displaced individuals in a low-resource setting
  • qualification in dental nursing
  • experience working within a low-resource setting

Arabic Translators

The majority of our patients are Arabic-speaking and our translators therefore play a vital role in communication flow between patient and dentist. We are always in need of translators to join our teams.

You must have the following:

  • Fluency in Arabic
  • Fluency in English
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Empathy

Ground Coordinators

Ground coordinators, otherwise known as jack-of-all trades, are essential for the efficient running of field projects. These key individuals are responsible for managing the volunteer groups and clinic, scheduling outreach to neighbouring camps, feeding updates back to admin, communicating with other NGOs and maintaining a good relationship with camp managers.

You must have the following:

  • Excellent command of the English language
  • Good computer skills
  • Proficiency in data management
  • Management skills
  • Team working skills
  • People skills and communication
  • Valid driver’s license
  • Diplomacy
  • A good sense of humour

How to apply?

Please fill out all the relavent information in the application for. Anything else you need guidance with please contact dental@healthpointfoundation.org


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Health-Point Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organisation in the USA. EIN: 81-3436231
Health Point Foundation is a Registered Charity in the United Kingom. Registered Charity Number: 1179795